CRS Express Entry Calculator

Express Entry Calculator

1) What is your marital status?

2) i Is your spouse or common-law partner a citizen or permanent resident of Canada?

2) ii Will your spouse or common-law partner be coming with you to Canada?

3) how old are you?

Choose the best answer:
  • If you have been invited to submit an application, enter your age on the date you were invited. or
  • If you plan to complete an Express Entry profile, please enter your current age.

4) What is your level of education?

Enter the highest level of education for which you are applying:
  • obtenido un título, diploma o certificado canadiense
  • tuvo una Evaluación de Credenciales Educativas (ECA) si realizó sus estudios fuera de Canadá. (Las ECA deben ser de una agencia aprobada, en los últimos cinco años)

Nota: un título, diploma o certificado canadiense debe haberse obtenido en una institución acreditada Universidad canadiense, colegio, escuela técnica o comercial u otro instituto en Canadá. El aprendizaje a distancia cuenta para los puntos de educación, pero no por puntos de bonificación en su perfil o aplicación.

4b) Have you obtained a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate?

Note: to answer yes:
  • English or French as a second language must not have constituted more than half of your study.
  • must not have studied with a degree that required him/her to return to his/her home country after graduation to apply his/her skills and knowledge. after graduation to apply his or her skills and knowledge
  • must have studied at a school within Canada (foreign campuses do not count)
  • had to be enrolled full-time for at least eight months, unless you have completed the study or training program (in whole or in part) between March 2020 and August 2022. program of study or training (in whole or in part) between March 2020 and August 2022.
  • had to have been physically present in Canada for at least eight months, unless you have completed the study or training program (in whole or in part) between March 2020 and August 2022 (in whole or in part) between March 2020 and August 2022

4c) Choose the best answer to describe this level of education.

5) Official languages: The official languages of Canada are English and French.

You must submit language test results that are less than two years old for all programs under Express Entry, even if English or French is your first language.

i. Are your test results less than two years old?

ii What language test did you take for your first official language?

Enter your test scores:





iii Do you have other language results?

If so, what language test did you take for your second official language?
Test results must be less than two years old.





6) Work experience

i. In the last ten years, how many years of qualifying work experience do you have in Canada?

Must have been paid and full-time (or an equal amount on a part-time basis).

Note:In Canada, the National Occupational Classification (NOC) is the official classification that lists all jobs in the Canadian labour market. list of all jobs in the Canadian labour market. It describes each job according to the training, education, experience and responsibilities (TEER) required to work in the position, education, experience and responsibilities (TEER) required to work in the position.

"Qualified work" in the NOC is TEER 0, 1, 1, 2 or 3 category work:
If you are unsure of the NOC TEER category for this job, you can find your NOC.

ii In the last 10 years, how many total years of qualified work experience abroad do you have?

Debe haber sido pagado, a tiempo completo (o una cantidad igual en medio tiempo), y en una sola ocupación (NOC TEER categoría 0, 1, 2 o 3).

7) Do you have a certificate of qualification from a Canadian province, territory or federal agency?

Note: A certificate of qualification allows individuals to work in some skilled trades in Canada. in some skilled trades in Canada. Only the provinces, territories and a federal agency can issue these certificates. can issue these certificates. To obtain one, a person must have his or her training, trade experience and skills assessed and then pass a training, trade experience and skills and then pass a certification exam.

Individuals generally have to go to the province or territory to be assessed. They may also need experience and training from an employer in Canada.

This is not the same as a nomination of a province or territory.

Additional points

8) Do you have a valid job offer supported by a labor market impact assessment?

A valid job offer must be
  • full time
  • in a qualifying job listed as TEER 0, 1, 2, 2 or 3 in the 2021 National Occupational Classification of Occupations.
  • supported by a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or exempt from requiring a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or exempt from requiring a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).
  • for one year from the time you become a permanent resident
A job offer is not valid if your employer is:
  • an embassy, high commission or consulate in Canada, or
  • on the list of ineligible employers.
Whether an offer is valid or not also depends on different factors, depending on your case.

8a) Which NOC TEER is the job offer?

9) Do you have a certificate of nomination from a province or territory?

10) Do you or your spouse or common-law partner (if coming with you to Canada) have at least one brother or sister living in Canada who is a citizen or permanent resident?

Note: To answer yes, the brother or sister must be:
  • over 18 years of age
  • related to you or your partner by blood, marriage, common-law relationship or adoption
  • have a parent in common with you or your partner
A brother or sister is related to you by:
  • blood (biological)
  • adoption
  • marriage (stepbrother or stepsister)

11) What is the highest level of education your spouse or domestic partner has:

  • obtained a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate; or
  • Had an educational credential evaluation (ECA)? (ECAs must be from an approved agency, within the last five years.)
To get the correct number of points, be sure to choose the answer that best reflects your case. For example:
If you have TWO bachelor's degrees, or a bachelor's degree AND a two-year college diploma, choose: "Two or more certificates, diplomas or degrees. One must be for a three or more year program."

12) In the last ten years, how many years of qualifying work experience in Canada does your spouse/domestic partner have?

Have been paid, full-time (or equal amount on a part-time basis), and in one or more NOC TEER category 0, 1, 2 or 3 jobs.

13) i Did your spouse or domestic partner take a language test? If so, which one?

Test results must be less than two years old.





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Spouse Points


Skills Points


Bonus Points


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